The king and queen of the planet Globagaskar have gone on holiday leaving their spoilt daughter, Princess Petronella, in charge. The bored princess decides to turn Earth, the holiday destination of choice for the discerning Globagaskarian, into a rubbish dump. Georgio Gorgioskio is dispatched to find the Earthling Ambassador, believed to be the only person in the galaxy who can change Princess Petronella's mind. At Honeyville Primary School, he discovers Nicola Berry, an ordinary girl about to embark on an extraordinary mission.
The first novel in a set of three, this was first published some time ago (way back in 2007) and I can’t understand why it isn’t splashed around amongst the most recommended books for readers 8 - 12. This gem had me captivated from the first page. Liane’s writing is as smooth and addictive as honey.